NLET offer all our learners a broad experience so that they can develop both their personal, employability and technical skills well. The majority of our learners are supported well to make good progress, develop confidence levels and achieve their qualifications, to enable their next steps.
Observed activities enable learners, on the majority of courses, to develop a wide range of useful skills and to be able to articulate their knowledge and understanding, and demonstrate competently the skills that they have learnt. Achievement rates in some areas are outstanding. There was 99% achievement (222 learners) of adults studying towards Business Diplomas in 2018/19 with 94% achievement (18 learners) of adults studying towards Diploma in Early Years Workforce.
Data confirms that of the apprentice starts who declared a learning difficulty (8 apprentices) 2 achieved as per their expected end date (100% AR) with the remainder (6 apprentices) due to complete in the academic year 2019/20 are on target to fully achieve.
Data confirms that of the learners funded through the Adult learner Loans starts who declared a learning difficulty (9 learners) 7 achieved as per their expected end date (100% AR) with the remainder (2 learners) who are due to complete in the academic year 2019/20 are on target to achieve.
The identified gender split for apprentices completing in academic year 2018/19 included 4 females (Achievement Rate 50%) and 13 males (Achievement Rate 56.5%). We are keen to ensure our future recruitment ensures a balanced gender split and that we are targeting an increase in the overall achievement rates to at least 5% above minimum levels of performance in the next academic year. We continue to focus on ensuring there is no achievement rate imbalance across gender groups by providing consistent support to all learners.
Progression from adult programmes is outstanding with 99% (219 learners) progression into either HE programmes (188 learners), apprenticeships (4 learners), engaged in employment over 16 hours per week (68 learners) or engaged in part time employment (4 learners). The remaining 1% (2 learners) have not recorded progression although we believe they are in employment.
The majority of staff are skilled at both using their vocational expertise and experience to develop learners’ skills, knowledge and understanding and at developing learners’ practical ability in lessons.
Practical teaching is effective and demonstrations, together with highly effective individual coaching, enables apprentices to make good progress and to produce work of a high standard, which is valued in the workplace. Adult learners are provided with positive feedback to ensure that they are now clear on the required aspects of work to not only achieve a pass grade but what is required to gain a merit or distinction although many choose to focus on the pass criteria due to time commitments.
In order to maximise the effectiveness of the learner experience senior leaders have developed and supported a strategy to ensure that the emphasis in the classroom moves from teaching to learning. In 2018/19 the lesson observation process included criteria to ensure a greater emphasis on the learner experience and the progress of learning.
Observation records for 2018/19 confirm 80% of teaching/assessing staff graded good and 20% requiring improvement with the protocol in place to identify development plans and to support them to address any areas identified.
Learners benefit from a wide range of well-used support services, including Additional Learning Support and in-class support, which contribute significantly to helping learners learn, make appropriate progress and achieve.
Robust processes are in place to ensure that learners receive the best advice, guidance and support throughout the learner journey and specialist staff are available throughout the main campus opening times with a dedicated space for discussion sessions.
Assignments and course work are generally marked promptly and good verbal feedback is given so learners are made aware quickly of what they need to do to improve through constructive and positive feedback.
The quality of the written feedback provided by the majority of tutors is good although managers have instigated a system to ensure that written feedback is provided each month and that this is reviewed by senior managers to ensure learners are always provided with accurate and timely feedback to support their development.
All apprentices, who have not already done so, achieve qualifications in English and/or Mathematics to the level required for their framework/standard and Skills Forward (formerly known as ForSkills) is available for apprentices and learners specifically for Functional Skills to help the development of new skills to progress into employment or further education and develop the skills needed for everyday life.
Achievement rates for Functional Skills on apprenticeship programmes are constantly reviewed as a key aspect of performance meetings and are included in Quality Improvement Plans for the 2019/20 academic year as the Apprenticeship Manager views this as a critical area for continual development.