NLET's training for Adina Home Care staff brings results

One of the area's leading health care providers has trusted NLET with the training of their staff and the results have been amazing.

Over fifty Adina Home Care staff members, from carers to admin, have attended NLET's training courses in person and remotely. Successfully completing and gaining the important qualifications that mean Adina can continue to provide the excellent professionalism to their clients that makes the difference to people's lives. Shown below are just a few of the staff receiving their certificates from Adina Home Care's Care Manager, Judith Forbes.

Judith established Adina Home Care in the light of her own grandmother Adina’s need for homecare assistance. Receiving help in the home rather than in residential care was crucial, and it was this experience that inspired Judith to set up the home care service. Judith’s philosophy is to put people at the centre of all that they do, providing much needed services to the community. Adina Home Care holds a green status from the Care Quality Commission and continues to go from strength to strength.

The partnership between NLET and Adina is one we are all proud of, and we hope to continue this good work in the future.


If you'd like to know more about NLET's training offerings, and how they can benefit you and your organisation, please contact us. We are ready to help you! 020 8570 776

To learn more about Adina Home Care visit